Greetings in 2009 —
It is currently very frightening how warm and beautiful the weather has been this past week. It is the second week in January and we dont have nearly the normal amount of rain that we would have at this time. This being said, the weather and conditions were perfect for a week of outdoor school. The Fremont community at Mission Valley came with minds and hearts wide open ready to create an amazing experience. Our acceptance and curiousity with the diversity of life brought us full circle to the realization that all of life is ONE — the Earth is one living organism!
The Hot Spot list that we compiled is incredible. Check it out:
Pescadero Marsh:
1) Great Egret
2) Snowy Egret
3) Cinnamon Teal
4) Blue winged Teal
5) Green winged Teal
6) American Avocet
7) Great Blue Heron
8) Northern Shoveler
9) American Bittern
10) Wilson’s Snipe
11) Osprey
12) Coastal Sage
13) Indian Paintbrush
1) Elephant Seal at the mouth of the Pescadero River
2) Harbor Seal
3) Bottlenose Dolphins
1) Acorn Woodpecker
2) Flocks of Pine Siskins
3) Flocks of American Goldfinch’s
4) Ruby Crowned Kinglet
5) Pileated Woodpecker
6) Screech Owls (heard)
7) Great Horned Owls (heard)
8) Deer
9) Sharpshinned Hawk
10) Red-Tailed Hawk
11) Red-shouldered Hawk
12) Little Brown Bat (4 strange occurences in the middle of the day)
13) California Newt
14) Russulas, Bearshead, Artist Conks, Waxy caps — all mushrooms
15) Slime Mold
16) Ensatina
The list could almost go on forever . . . Thank you Mission Valley for a wonderful start to our 2009 year. We could not have asked for a better week.